| 1. | The risk is proportional to the intensity and duration of exposure to passive household smoking 这些风险因素与吸烟年数和频密程度成正比。 |
| 2. | Other factors that increase the likelihood of infection are longer duration of exposure , indoor exposure , and contact with an indiidual who is smear positie 其它可增加感染的因素有长时间的暴露,室内暴露及与涂片阳性者接触。 |
| 3. | Toluene and m - xylene are not cancer - causing substances . their effects on health depend on the level one is exposed to and the duration of exposure 甲苯和间二甲苯并非致癌物质,对人体影响需视乎个人处于甲苯和间二甲苯成份的水平和时间。 |
| 4. | Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells . the health effects depend on the duration of exposure and the concentration of carbon monoxide inhaled 一氧化碳会降低红血球的带氧能力,它对健康所造成的影响则视乎身体接触一氧化碳的时间长短,以及吸入一氧化碳的浓度。 |
| 5. | Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells . the health effects depend on the duration of exposure and the concentration of carbon monoxide inhaled 一氧化碳会降低红血球的带氧能力,它对健康所造成的影响则视乎身体接触一氧化碳的时间长短,以及吸入一氧化碳的浓度。 |
| 6. | The variational rules of the activity of sod and cat of egeria najas is coincident for all durations of exposure , at first the activity of sod and cat were increased , subsequently the activity of sod and cat were declined 在hg ~ ( 2 + )处理的96h内,细叶蜈蚣草sod和cat活性变化规律基本是一致的,只是酶活性的相对大小有所变化,即细叶蜈蚣草sod和cat活性随hg ~ ( 2 + )增加先上升后下降。 |
| 7. | Apart from the concentrations and chemical properties of the pollutants , the person s age and general state of health , the duration of exposure , factors such as the weather condition and the distance from the emission sources also affect the nature and extent of the health effects observed 除了空气中污染物的浓度与化学特性之外,有关人士的年与一般健康状况接触污染物的时间长短气候情况以及排放源头与接触者之间的距离等,都会对健康构成不同的影响。 |
| 8. | Apart from the concentrations and chemical properties of the pollutants , the person s age and general state of health , the duration of exposure , factors such as the weather condition and the distance from the emission sources also affect the nature and extent of the health effects observed 除了空气中污染物的浓度与化学特性之外,有关人士的年龄与一般健康状况、接触污染物的时间长短、气候情况以及排放源头与接触者之间的距离等,都会对健康构成不同的影响。 |
| 9. | In accordance with advice given by the director of health , the effects of benzene on health depend on the level one is exposed to and the duration of exposure . brief exposure ( five to ten minutes ) to very high levels of benzene in air ( 10 , 000 to 20 , 000 ppm ) can result in death . lower levels ( 700 to 3 , 000 ppm ) can cause drowsiness , dizziness , rapid heart rate , headaches , tremors , confusion and unconsciousness 当人处于高水平苯成份(百万份之一万至百万份之二万)的地方历时5至10分钟可致死亡;而处于含有低水平苯成份(百万份之七百至百万份之三千)的地方可使人昏昏欲睡、晕眩、心跳加速、头痛、颤抖、思想混乱和失去知觉。 |